5 minutes with… Albert Andrade of Copa Hair Design Armagh
What if your hairdresser could read your mind? Wouldn’t that make life much easier? No bringing the screenshots or magazines along for visuals. Well, Copa Hair Design’s owner, Albert has professed this to be his secret skill!
His career has taken him far and wide, spending time in Dublin, Spain and Portugal. Armagh has now secured him as one of our own with the perfect home found on Scotch Street.
Why did you choose being a hairdresser as a career/business?
I helped my mother in her hair salon from a young age, and I was always interested in fashion. It was a natural progression for me to begin my career in hairdressing. I worked in Dublin, Spain and Portugal and had a few salons in Algarve and am now running my own salon Copa Hair Design on Scotch Street, Armagh.
What are you most proud of in your career to date?
I took part in TV shows, magazines, fashion shows and travelled around the world due to my work. I also take pride in the professional service we deliver here at Copa Hair Design, tailoring to each client to keep our 5 star service.
What is your favourite thing about your job?
Business and growth. I always wanted to have my own business and work for myself. I also enjoy that our work and services at Copa Hair Design make people feel better.
What has been the biggest challenge in your job?
COVID was the biggest challenge and set back. For over 6 months I was unable to open the salon, with a lot of investment made. Thankfully Copa Hair Design has continued to grow since then.
What do you think your best quality is?
Name three things that you like doing outside of work..
Shopping, going to the gym and travelling.
Tell us about a secret skill that we don’t know you have.
I can read minds.
What is your most prized possession?
My health.
What is your favourite food?
What is your favourite book?
The Alchemist
If you were to watch a band/singer live, who would it be?
Pearl Jam
Dead or alive, who would you most want to meet and why?
Leanardo Da Vinci. He had such a great mind and achieved so much. And to copy his sleep cycle, napping for 20 minutes every 4 hours.
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