Armagh Jobs: Join The Little Orchard Armagh’s growing nursery family
At The Little Orchard, we believe that every member of our team is equal, valued and part of the growing nursery family. As we start out on our journey, we are on the lookout for caring staff that share a passion for childcare.
The Little Orchard are currently recruiting for Deputy Managers and Nursery Assistants.
Purpose of Post
1. To contribute a high standard of physical, emotional, social and intellectual care for children
2. To work under the direction of the Manager/Deputy Manager and to give support to other employees
3. To implement the daily routine
4. To act as a Key Worker to a group of children
Key Areas
- Work with Children
- Team Work
- Liaise with Parents/carers
Responsible to: Manager/Deputy Manager
Duties and Responsibilities
- Give support to other employees
- To support the efficient management of childcare provision
- To be aware and comply with all statutory regulations, policies and procedures
- Uphold standards within the Setting by adhering to all policies and procedures
- To assist in supporting the delivery of the Early Years Foundation Stage framework
- To assist promoting the cultural backgrounds of families, positive images and provide anti-discriminatory childcare practice
- To be aware of the Setting’s complaints procedure and to receive complaints in a positive way
- To work as an active member of the team and to promote, support and engage in a good staff team relationship
Care for children placed in the Setting
- To contribute to a planned programme of activities suitable to the age range of children in conjunction with other staff
- To assist in providing a range of stimulating play activities to meet the needs of individual children.
- To contribute a high standard of children’s physical, emotional, social and intellectual development
- To assist in, observing and assessing children’s needs and development and recording appropriately
- To assist in providing a safe environment for children
- To assist in ensuring that children are supervised and that the correct adult/child ratios are maintained at all times
- To strive to safeguard children by working to the organisation’s safeguarding policy
- Work alongside parents/carers of special needs children to provide full integration in the Setting;
- Liaise with and support parents/carers and other family members.
Code of Conduct
- To attend ALL out of working hours activities, e.g. training, monthly staff meetings, parents/carers evenings etc.
- To be flexible within the working practices of the Setting.
- To be prepared to help where needed, including to undertake certain domestic jobs within the Setting, e.g. preparation of snack meals, cleansing of equipment etc.
- Recording accidents in the accident book. Ensure the Management has initialled the report before the parent receives it.
- Ensure only known adults can access the setting.
- To respect the confidentiality of information received.
- To develop your own role within the team especially in regards to being a key worker.
Specific Child Care Tasks
- The preparation and completion of activities to suit the child’s stage of development.
- To ensure allergies and dietary requirements are met and that mealtimes are a time of pleasant social sharing.
- Washing and changing children as required.
- To ensure the Setting is of a high quality environment to meet the needs of individual children from different cultures, religious backgrounds, and stages of development.
- To be aware of the high profile of the Setting and to uphold its standards at all times.
Manage Resources
- To assist in maintaining high standards of health and hygiene in the Day Care.
- To assist in ensuring all resources are clean, safe and well maintained.
Manage Quality
- To contribute to meeting quality standards, including the implementation of all relevant legislation, policies and procedures.
- To implement Equal Opportunities policies in all aspects of your work.
Manage Information
- To assist in maintaining accurate records of children’s development.
Person Specification:
To Apply:
At The Little Orchard, you can expect a supportive team environment, professional development opportunities, training, and staff benefits. We are looking for individuals with a passion, desire and commitment to work within our homely setting and provide each child the very best learning experience. There is simply no other job like it!
The Little Orchard is located on the outskirts of Armagh providing easy access to the main Armagh-Markethill road. The nursery is easily accessed by public transport with a car park available on site.
If you are interested in working or training with us, you can email your CV to us at info@littleorcharddaycare.co.uk or contact the nursery on 07593303065 for an application form.