5 minutes with… Head Chef Stephen Beaddie of Seed
Those in the Dungannon and Belfast areas may be most familiar with Seed – the famous salad, burrito and health food bars – where colour fills every corner, every wrap and every bowl.
Behind the delicious and wholesome bites is an extremely talented chef – who despite having contributed to the building of a healthy business empire – shirks the word ‘entrepreneur’.
Head Chef and Seed Co-Founder Stephen Beaddie began his culinary career aged 15 and since then has developed an insatiable appetite for bringing big flavour to nutritious dishes.
To get an insight into what’s cooking beneath the chef’s hat, Armagh I put a few questions to Stephen:
Why did you choose to be a business owner?
Its just happened right place, right time. I was introduced to two, young, highly ambitious people, they shared their vision with me, I loved (and still love) the concept, I believed my skill set could add serious horsepower to the mission, so when the opportunity presented itself to get involved, I took it.
What are you most proud of in your career to date?
Seed opening its third location in Donegal Square, East Belfast at city centre – something we talked about from day one.
What is your favourite thing about being an entrepreneur?
I actively dislike the word of entrepreneur. I’m just doing a thing, same as everyone else.
What has been the biggest challenge?
The first two years – limited resources, limited knowledge, limited space. Lots of grind and lots of lessons.
What is the most helpful advice that you have been given?
Don’t aim to be the best, be the only.
If you could choose anything else to do, what would it be?
There is nothing I would rather do.
What do you think your best quality is?
For myself – disciplined. For others – fun.
Name three things that you like doing outside of work..
Exercising, cooking and eating great food with Laura.
Tell us about a secret skill that we don’t know you have.
I can fall asleep nearly instantly when I get into bed.
What is your most prized possession?
My Kmado Joe Classic 2 barbecue.
What is your favourite food?
Anything made with love.
What is your favourite book?
I have different books for different seasons. But The War of Art by Steven Pressfield, is one I always go back to – particularly if I’m having a creative block.
What are you currently watching?
Great British Menu.
If you were to watch a band/singer live, who would it be?
Fred Again on a rooftop in East London.
Dead or alive, who would you most want to meet and why?
Marcus Aurelius. I would love to learn more about a man who was literally the most powerful person on earth but remained grounded through philosophy.