Inside: Re-Gen Waste, Newry
Re-Gen Waste began its journey in 2004 as an integrated recycling and waste management company.
In this short time, we have developed one of Europe’s most advanced MRF (materials recovery facility) installations.
Our mixed waste processing adopts best-in-class technologies to ensure European standards are not only met, but regularly exceeded. We achieve a critical balance between automated, mechanical and manual sorting processes to ensure we fully extract all the recyclable commodities with minimal contamination.
At Re-Gen Waste Newry, our focus is on continuous engineering development, driven by year on year reinvestment of profit.
This process drives innovation, enabling us to outperform the market on materials recovery. Our dedicated approach to finding sustainable international markets for materials ensures we maintain the highest levels of reliability in today’s volatile environment
Unlike most of the waste industry, Re-Gen stands apart as a dynamic family owned and managed business with a track record of success. We have achieved this growth through exceptional customer service and are driven by our ethos of competitiveness through continual improvement.
One major benefit which makes us different from our competitors is that we accept glass in the recycling bin.
Sourced from commingled dry recyclables and processed through our innovative glass screening facility, 95% of glass is recoverable and can go ‘back to bottle.’
We are investing for future efficiency with an exclusive focus on the needs of local authorities. Every client requires a different service package, so through our partnership approach we offer unique solutions to authorities across the UK.
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