Get Engineering Careers Fair returns to Dungannon Campus
South West College is excited to announce that the Get Engineering Careers and Apprenticeship Fair will be back at our Dungannon campus on Saturday March 25 from 9.30am – 1.30pm and will showcase the great opportunities available to young people in the field of engineering.
If you are interested in a career with real potential, come along to the ultimate careers fair and meet and connect with over 30 employers from the Advanced Manufacturing and Engineering Industry.
Given our strong ties with local industry, Get Engineering is traditionally one of the most vibrant events in the South West College calendar, and we have a packed line-up featuring an exciting range of live demonstrations and workshops, with the opportunity to test drive the world’s first truly collaborative robot, (YuMi).
Other demonstrations include 3D scanning, rapid prototyping, robotic welding, virtual welding, automation and Industry 4.
Guests will also have the opportunity to view first-hand a wide range of machinery and equipment manufactured locally and exported across the world, allowing prospective students to gain a more in-depth insight into the ever-evolving engineering world.
The Get Engineering initiative is a partnership encompassing South West College and leading engineering companies and aims to raise awareness of the range of career opportunities within the local engineering industry.
Local employers including McCloskey International, Terex, Mallaghan Engineering, Dunbia, Specdrum, Nugent Engineering, Edge Innovate and other employers will be promoting employment opportunities and will be available to discuss entry routes, pathways, and applications.

South West College, Dungannon Campus
Prospective students can also find out more about degree opportunities, ‘Earn while you Learn’ Apprenticeships and Higher-Level Apprenticeships in areas including Business Management, Engineering, Computing and more, and hear from current apprentices about how their Apprenticeship has benefited them.
The free event will also feature employer exhibition stands to share insights into the career and training opportunities for design engineers, technical service engineers, welders/fabricators, CNC operators and other engineering business support roles, helping prospective students to make better-informed choices. SWC staff will be available to offer guidance and support.
The must-see event is a fantastic opportunity for post-16 learners, their parents/guardians and those wishing to enter or move forward within the engineering sector to explore the campus, meet staff, network, and learn all about the College’s full-time, part-time and Apprenticeship course provision, which is now open for applications for courses starting September 2023.
Alastair Booth, Head of the School for Engineering at South West College, said: “The get engineering careers fair is a great opportunity for young people and their parents to hear for themselves what apprenticeships are available.
“It is designed to give school leavers and those looking to further their career prospects a valuable opportunity to experience first-hand the variety of exciting job options available to them and the high-quality skills training that is on offer to help them realise their ambitions right here on their doorstep.
“With the growing costs of university tuition fees, it is vital that ambitious young people wishing to obtain higher-level qualifications are aware of the range of options available to help them make better, informed choices. I would encourage anyone in the community to register to attend or drop in on the day and see what is on offer.”
Una Taylor, Engineering Hub Officer at South West College, said: “For anyone looking to learn more about apprenticeships, save the date and register your details at: www.swc.ac.uk/getengineering. Or drop in by visiting the South West College, Dungannon campus, Circular Rd, BT71 6BQ on Saturday March 25 between 9.30am and 1.30pm to start your apprenticeship journey in Engineering, Business, Computing and more.”