ASEE ‘rewarded and recognised’ for upholding high health and safety standards

Established UK and European based electrical engineering firm ASEE have been enjoying a successful few months as their meticulous Health and Safety measures receive prestigious recognition, both at home and abroad.

Just last month the company announced that one of their Amsterdam sites had been awarded ‘Contractor of the Month’.

A spokesperson for the company said: “Congratulations to the team ASEE for being awarded ‘Contractor of the Month’ for February 2023, on one of our Amsterdam Sites.

“Many thanks to our Supervisors, who have maintained high safety standards within their teams.”

The company, which has been in business for over 40 years, has adapted with the changing industries, leading them to become the best in their field.

Aidan Strain Electrical Engineering centres on a nucleus of 70 staff with additional resources employed as necessary to service particular project requirements.

Despite their exponential growth across the UK and beyond, they pride themselves on being a ‘family business with family values’ and as such, they feel strongly about recognising and rewarding their valued employees.

In a matter of days, on March 29, the company will see further recognition for their high health and safety standards and an employee, potentially, rewarded for their individual contribution .

The team from ASEE will be attending the Health and Safety Excellence Awards 2023 at The Crowne Plaza Hotel, Dublin to support Health and Safety Manager, Seamus McMahon, who has been shortlisted for “Health and Safety Manager of the Year”.

The Health and Safety Awards ‘recognise and reward the most outstanding health and Safety achievements in Ireland’ and the ‘teams that drive them’.

